『バイデンを操る者たちがアメリカ帝国を崩壊させる』を読んで The Impression of The Manipulators of President Biden will Collapse US Empire

バイデンを操る者たちがアメリカ帝国を崩壊させる 古村治彦 徳間書店

The Manipulators of President Biden will Collapse US Empire Haruhiko Furumura







ウクライナ戦争をきっかけとして世界は西側先進国諸国であるthe WESTとロシア、中国をはじめとしたその他の諸国the RESTに分裂している。日本はWESTの一員であるからWEST陣営だけが世界であるように考えているが、世界の趨勢は人口と経済成長率で圧倒的なRESTに移りつつある。RESTの実質的な盟主である中国は着実に世界で存在感を高めつつある。現在の世界での覇権構造を守るためにWESTは中国に対する封じ込め策を実施している。それが現在の世界の状況である。




This book provides a detailed analysis of current American politics and forecasts the shape of the near future world. The analysis is based on publicly available information and does not include unidentified or ambiguous information sources. Rather than relying on unreliable information such as rumors or hearsay, the forecasts are based on a substantial amount of clearly sourced information. What will the future world be like?

First, let’s outline the industrial policies currently being implemented by the United States. While traditionally the United States has tended to avoid political intervention in the economy, a detailed analysis of the activities of Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry during its high-growth period has led the country to significantly steered towards implementing economic policies that support specific industries.

This book portrays the current industrial policy of the United States with a focus on West Executive Advisors, a consulting firm where former officials of the U.S. government hold key positions. This firm acts as a bridge between the U.S. government and many large corporations. It’s conceivable that certain elite classes in the U.S. control the country’s budget and benefit from it. The central issue in the current industrial policy of the United States is how to maintain dominance over China. However, as domestic manufacturing continues to move overseas, the U.S.’s advantage is already diminishing, and the book argues that reversing this trend will be challenging.

Next, the 2024 U.S. presidential election is anticipated. Former President Trump’s popularity within the Republican Party overwhelmingly surpasses incumbent President Biden, and it’s predicted that Trump will be leading even during the actual election in November. However, the conclusion drawn is that President Biden will ultimately win the election. While specific details are not provided, there’s a suggestion that there will be might be some fraud occurring during the election.

President Biden must win the election because his victory directly aligns with the interests of the United States. The Biden administration has been closely involved in the 2022 Nord Stream bombing incident, which is intertwined with the conflict in Ukraine. If Trump were to return to office, it’s anticipated that the crimes of the presidency would be exposed and pursued, leading to the punishment of key officials within the current administration. The author predicts that obstructing such U.S. national interests would be avoided at the national level.

Regarding the Ukraine conflict, the author argues that it’s now practically impossible for Ukraine to expel Russia from the occupied territories. President Zelensky of Ukraine has repeatedly pursued reckless war strategies without following the advice of Western military advisors. During the counteroffensive, the Russian military maintained a defensive stance, limiting their losses. As a result, Ukraine’s military and human resources were wasted, making it impossible to push back Russia. Western countries are already showing signs of war fatigue. Zelensky’s hope of fully reclaiming the occupied territories, including the Crimean Peninsula, seems unlikely to be fulfilled.

As a result of the Ukraine conflict, the world has divided into 'the WEST,’ consisting of Western advanced countries, and 'the REST,’ including Russia, China, and other nations. While Japan considers itself part of 'the WEST,’ it’s becoming clear that 'the REST,’ with its overwhelming population and economic growth rates, is gaining dominance. China, the de facto leader of 'the REST,’ is steadily increasing its global presence. To maintain the current world hegemonic structure, 'the WEST’ is implementing containment policies against China. This is the current situation in the world.

Japan finds itself at the forefront of the WEST’s containment strategy against China. As evident from the Ukraine conflict, it’s unlikely that the United States itself would engage in war. If the United States were to initiate a war, it could lead to catastrophic consequences, including nuclear warfare. In this context, the author expresses concern about Japan being pushed into a war with China instead of the United States, as a realistic crisis. To confront Chine by both Taiwan and Japan is in the United States’ national interest to protect the hegemonic structure of the WEST.

The author argues that within this significant trend, centered around the decline of Western countries led by the United States and the rise of other nations, China is gradually but steadily pushing the United States out. The contrast between a declining United States resorting to acrobatic measures to counter China and China’s slow but sure advancement is striking.

It seems to me that the Kishida administration in Japan is steadily following the direction of the United States. There are policy changes underway in Japan regarding its ability to engage in warfare. Japan is currently on the brink of a major crisis. As a subordinate state to the United States, Japan is being pushed towards war. Faced with the crisis of war, what Japan’s politics should be doing is not to prepare a system that can withstand war, but to control and prevent war from happening in the first place.

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