


Aikikai Foundation Aikido Hombu Dojo Instructor Shihan

1969年 愛知県一宮市生まれ。1988年東北大学合気道部にて合気道を始める。当時の同大学師範は現道主植芝守央先生。1993年卒業後、財団法人合気会合気道本部道場指導部に奉職。現在は合気道師範として国内外で多くの人に指導。

I was born in 1969 in Ichinomiya City in Aichi Prefecture. I began Aikido in 1988 at Tohoku University Aikido Club. In this time the club Shihan was Moriteru Ueshiba, the present Doshu. In 1993 after graduating I started working as Aikikai Foundation Aikido Hombu Dojo instructor. At present I teach many people in both domestic and foreign locations as an Aikido Shihan.

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