『限りある時間の使い方』を読んで The Impression of FOUR THOUSAND WEEKS

限りある時間の使い方 オリバー・バークマン かんき出版

Four Thousand Weeks Oliver Burkeman


限りある時間の使い方 [ オリバー・バークマン ]

価格:1,870円(税込、送料無料) (2024/3/3時点)









Our lifespan, how long is it really? “4000 Weeks," that’s the title of this book and it holds the answer. A year consists of 365 days, or 52 weeks. At 80 years old, that’s 4160 weeks. We have shockingly little time.

I, like everyone else, am caught up in the daily grind. I don’t usually ponder how much time I have left. I’ve thought I probably have around ten thousand weeks. I’d thought I can spend about sixty percent of them on necessary tasks and enjoying the remaining forty percent. The fact that we only have about 4000 weeks of time is staggering.

The author proposes an entirely different approach to managing time and work efficiency in response to this issue. To-do lists and time management won’t solve this problem. Whenever there’s spare time, new tasks quickly fill the gap. No matter how much you streamline, it never really gets easier. In fact, you might find yourself so caught up in managing things that you can’t focus on what truly matters.

Firstly, let’s abandon the notion of trying to make everything perfect. Our to-do lists likely contain a mix of genuinely important tasks and ones that aren’t so crucial. Some things are okay to fail at if they can be followed up later. And let’s focus on what we have achieved rather than what we haven’t.

Let’s have the courage to start things we’ve been thinking of doing once we feel ready enough. There’s never a sufficient period in life just for preparation. Most people have to solve problems with their current abilities, even if they feel unprepared. It’s futile to keep waiting for better conditions. While we wait, time keeps ticking towards our inevitable end.

Instead of cramming more work beyond our capabilities, let’s embrace our current tasks with greater richly and enjoyment. Even mundane tasks, when seen from a different perspective, can become enjoyable. Rather than waiting to have fun after finishing them, let’s learn to enjoy the present moment.

The problems around us that need solving are often too numerous and complex. No matter how much effort we put in, many of them remain unresolved. However, that doesn’t mean our efforts are in vain. Future generations beyond us may benefit from what we attempt to do. Even if our actions don’t lead to direct results, they may still contribute to the annals of human history, including our failures. Some tasks must be done even if we can’t see the immediate benefits, and actions not driven solely by personal gain can bring us joy. What we can do for the world might seem small, but it still holds meaning.

The author’s prescriptions for dealing with time are familiar for me as an Easterner. The philosophy of cherishing the present moment over the past or future, as well as recognizing the limitations of human abilities, is reminiscent of what Zen and meditation teach. Moreover, it also touches on practical methods relevant to modern life, which is more characteristic of Western approaches. This book will likely serve as a reflective read for busy individuals in today’s world, prompting them to reconsider their lives and time.

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