泉房雄の書籍を読んで The Impressions the Books by Fusao Izumi

社会の変え方 泉房雄 ライツ社
How to change Society Fusao Izumi


日本が滅びる前に 泉房雄 集英社新書
Before Japan Perishes Fusao Izumi





社会の変え方 泉氏の半生が感動的に描かれる。泉氏としては自分の生き様を書いているだけなのだろうが、その情熱に心が大きく動かされる。市長時代に明石市で行った具体的な政策についても書かれている。

日本が滅びる前に 泉氏の半生に加えて日本の社会をどうやって変えていくのかというビジョンがより明確に書かれている。明石市で出来たことは、どこの街でも出来る。明石モデルを日本中にどうやって拡げていくのかということが泉氏の現在の目標だ。

政治はケンカだ! ジャーナリスト鮫島浩氏を相手にした対談なので、泉氏のことを知らない人や政治的な知識があまりない人にも読みやすくできている。


政治はケンカだ! 明石市長の12年 [ 泉 房穂 ]

価格:1,980円(税込、送料無料) (2024/2/6時点)



I’ve read several books by former Mayor of Akashi, Mr. Fumio Izumi. Recently, he has been appearing frequently on television, so I think many of you have seen him.

During his 12-year term as Mayor of Akashi, he implemented numerous policies from the perspective of the citizens. As a result, there has been an increase in people moving to Akashi, especially households with children, and the city has been climbing in the rankings of desirable places to live.

Mr. Izumi was born into a poor fisherman’s family, and his younger brother was born with a disability that doctors thought would prevent him from ever walking. Through the desperate efforts of his family, he managed to learn to walk somehow and was able to attend the same elementary school as Mr. Izumi. During that time, he experienced various injustices from society. Determined to turn a cold society into a kind one, young Izumi resolved to become Mayor of Akashi and change the city when he grew up—at just 10 years old.

Without wavering in his determination, he became a lawyer, then a member of the House of Representatives, before becoming Mayor of Akashi in 2011. During his 12-year term, he transformed Akashi’s administration into one for the citizens. Now, having raised successors, he is stepping down as Mayor of Akashi, intending to continue changing society by staying involved in politics in a non-political capacity.

How to Change Society
Mr. Izumi’s life story is depicted in a touching manner. While it may seem like he’s simply writing about his own life, his passion deeply moves the heart. Specific policies implemented during his time as mayor in Akashi are also described.

Before Japan Perishes
In addition to Mr. Izumi’s life story, a clearer vision of how to change Japanese society is articulated. What was achieved in Akashi can be replicated in any city. Mr. Izumi’s current goal is to expand the “Akashi Model" throughout Japan.

Politics is a Fight!
This is a dialogue with journalist Hiroshi Samejima, making it accessible to those unfamiliar with Mr. Izumi or lacking political knowledge.

Very few people can live without changing the feelings they held when they were 10 years old. And as adults, a handful people strive to fulfill those feelings. This is analogous to the performances of athletes like Shohei Ohtani and Lionel Messi in the world of sports. On the other hand, many Japanese politicians inherit their positions as if it were a hereditary system passed down through generations.

It’s not inherently bad to follow in one’s parents’ footsteps. However, there must be a minimum level of passion when inheriting those roles. Just as those aiming for greatness in sports would look up to top athletes and aspire to reach that level, politicians who have seen Mr. Izumi’s life story should consider how to ignite their own passion toward that goal. If they find they cannot muster such passion within themselves, it might be better to abandon the path of politics and pursue a different one. Leading a life where one cannot fully ignite their passion is incredibly wasteful for oneself and those around them. Life is short, and it’s dull to spend such a valuable life simply inheriting the family business. Are most politicians truly burning with passion?

セミナー等の依頼はこちら。 About request for the seminar is here.

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