ポーランド合気道セミナー2024報告 The Report of Poland Aikido Seminar 2024

I conducted an Aikido Seminar in Stara Wies, Poland, from May 17th to 19th, 2024.


The seminar had over 155 participants from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Ukraine.

会場はポーランド南部のステラビエシのヨーロッパ武道センター道場、日本風の建物が集まった武道場を中心とした小さな村である。Central Aikido Aikikai Polskaの合宿が毎年開催され、参加者にはお馴染みの場所だ。

The venue for the seminar was the European Budo Center Dojo, located in Stara Wies, a charming village surrounded by traditional Japanese houses. The spring camp, Haru Gassyuku of Central Aikido Aikikai Polska, is held here every year. For the participants, it is a very familiar place.


Throughout the three-day event, I conducted six classes and instructed on several methods in practice, mainly based on basic techniques.

土曜日の夜はCentral Aikido Aikikai Polskaの十周年と代表のローマン・ホフマン氏の七段昇段を祝うパーティーも開催された。アットホームな雰囲気の中、参加者は皆セミナーを楽しんだ。

On Saturday evening, a party was held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of CAAP and the promotion to 7th Dan of the president of CAAP, Roman Hoffmann. Every participant enjoyed the seminar in a cozy atmosphere.

セミナー等の依頼はこちら。 About request for the seminar is here.

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