宮城県地域社会合気道指導者研修会報告 Miyagi Prefecture Aikido Instructor Seminar Report



I instructed in the Miyagi Prefecture Aikido Instructor Seminar held on 17-18 June 2023.


During the seminar, I was conducting three practice sessions in six classes, as well as delivering two lectures in four lecture classes. Over the course of the two days, we had a total of 120 participants.


In the practice sessions, I focused on teaching the participants how to establish and develop their center axis. I provided concrete methods for creating and utilizing the center axis. The improvement needs the verbalizing of unclear aspect.


During the lecture classes, I addressed two main topics: the structure of Aikido and whether Aikido can foster the good character. It is quite rare in Japan to have lectures specifically about Aikido. In these sessions, I expressed my opinions concretely and expanded my reasoning logically. I believe that without this process, it is difficult to delve deeply into ideas. Overall, this seminar provided a valuable opportunity for many people to contemplate the essence of Aikido.

セミナー等の依頼はこちら。 About request for the seminar is here.

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