『習近平が狙う「米一極から多極化へ」』を読んで The Impression of “From US Unipolar System to Multipolar System”


習近平が狙う「米一極から多極化へ」 遠藤誉 ビジネス社

'From US Unipolar System to Multipolar System’ Aimed by Xi Jinping Homare Endo


習近平が狙う「米一極から多極化へ」 [ 遠藤誉 ]

価格:1,870円(税込、送料無料) (2023/12/28時点)





全米民主主義基金(National Endowment for Democracy 略称NED)という団体がある。民間団体のような装いをしているが米国議会が出資して、世界に民主主義を拡げるという名目の下、米国に有利になるように他国に干渉する政治工作を行っている。以前はCIAが行っていた仕事も現在はNEDが行っている。当該団体のホームページでは出資者である米国議会に対して活動を報告するため詳細な活動が記されている。その活動を時系列で分かりやすく抜き出しているのが本書の一番の核心である。






The author is a renowned specialist in contemporary Chinese politics. Born in Manchukuo, she also lived through the post-World War II civil war between the Nationalists and Communists in China. During the siege of Changchun by the Chinese Communist Party forces, where hundreds of thousands died of starvation in a dire situation, the author narrowly escaped death, an experience that shaped her perspective. Due to such experiences, the author’s assessment of the People’s Republic of China is exceedingly critical. However, this book presents a slightly different viewpoint from her previous arguments.

In present-day Japan, there exists a certain influence held by what are called “conservatives", ultra-nationalists, who idealize the old Japanese society and adopt exclusionary attitudes towards China and South Korea. Especially within the intellectual class, those who engage with books, this influence remains a significant presence that cannot be overlooked. In Japan, there’s a commercial advantage for expressions and publications catering to this “conservative" audience, making them more likely to achieve success.

In such circumstances, the author is among the popular researchers favored by the “conservative" faction. However, her research on Chinese politics is of high caliber and accuracy. Despite being a star among the “conservatives," in this instance, the author is presenting inconvenient truths that may not align with the beliefs of their supporters.

The “conservative" faction in Japan often criticizes China but refrains from criticizing the United States. Their approach revolves around prioritizing the alliance with the US to counter China. The author’s argument this time reveals that, rather than China, the US poses a greater danger to Japan. She assert that blindly following the US could lead Japan into a crisis of its existence. It’s precisely a book expressing deep concern for the nation.

There is an organization called the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). While presenting itself as a non-governmental organization, it is funded by the US Congress and engages in political maneuvering in other countries under the guise of spreading democracy worldwide, which ultimately favors the interests of the United States. The tasks previously carried out by the CIA are now performed by the NED. On the organization’s website, there are detailed reports of its activities provided to the funding body, the US Congress. The primary focus of this book is to extract and present these activities in a clear chronological order for easy comprehension.

The NED supports various political movements, from color revolutions to the Arab Spring, the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong, and even the Blank Slate Movement in mainland China. The author argues that the organization is involved in backing every political movement imaginable. Particularly concerning the “Taiwan crisis," which becomes a significant issue around Japan, the author asserts that the United States is somehow trying to create a crisis. She claim that China is actually opting to wait without engaging in conflict, aiming to create conditions advantageous to its own interests. The author warns against falling for the propaganda of the United States and those who align with it, as doing so could lead to a situation similar to the conflict in Ukraine.

This isn’t a claim made solely by the author. Scholars such as John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, a professor at Harvard Kennedy School, also propose a policy called “offshore balancing" from the perspective of the United States. This policy suggests that to prolong U.S. global dominance, allied nations should shoulder the military burden on behalf of the United States. As the U.S. can no longer sustain global dominance on its own, it must rely on the power of allied nations. The war in Ukraine is also a form of offshore balancing. The U.S. aims to weaken Russia by providing funding and weapons in collaboration with Western countries without deploying US troops. The “Taiwan crisis" involves the U.S. attempting a similar strategy against China. The crucial point is that the U.S. engages in offshore balancing for its own benefit, with the interests of allied nations being secondary.

The author argues that while China is restraining the United States’ efforts to escalate the Taiwan issue, it’s not actively heightening tensions. According to public opinion polls in Taiwan, the majority lean towards maintaining the current status quo. With a minority advocating for “independence," which could trigger conflict with China. In this situation it’s rather the United States that desires war, and in such a scenario, Japan might be compelled to stand at the forefront of the conflict or be pressured for financial aid as part of offshore balancing. In the immediate context surrounding Japan, the most pressing danger isn’t China but the United States.

However, towards the end, the author’s argument loses some force. Blindly following the United States is highly perilous. However, China is also an untrustworthy nation. There’s hardly a prescription offered to solve this incredibly difficult situation. For the author, who harbors a dislike for China, the fact that the United States is just as dangerous, if not more so, presents a challenging dilemma. Perhaps Japan has no choice but to survive under China’s dominance. Yet, the author is still unable to accept this future.

I believe one of the challenging solutions is for Japan to gradually aim for independence while carefully assessing global situations and thoroughly avoiding war. The fact that the United States is struggling to maintain its dominance presents an opportunity for Japan’s independence. A nation that can’t gradually distance itself from the United States won’t be able to assert itself firmly against China. However, for Japan to politically behave independently, many challenges need addressing in reality. There’s a necessity for capable leaders to guide Japan in the long term, yet there are few politicians presently considering the people’s interests. There’s no easy prescription found for Japan’s future.

セミナー等の依頼はこちら。 About request for the seminar is here.

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