『脳は世界をどうみているのか』を読んで The Impression of A Thousand Brains


脳は世界をどうみているのか 知能の謎を解く「1000の脳」理論 ジェフ・ホーキンス 早川書房

A Thousand Brains : A New Theory of Intelligence Jeff Hawkins









First of all, I have to write about the author’s unusual career. The author quit Intel to study neuroscience and knocked on the doors of research institutes at various universities, but was unable to conduct the research he wanted. So he returned to the computer industry and started a company called Palm Computing. Palm was a company that developed mobile information terminals ahead of its time in the 1990s. It was a precursor to today’s smartphones. With the assets he gained from that success, he founded a research institute in 2005 where he could study neuroscience as he pleased. It is because of the author’s unusual career that he can clearly see the problem of human and machine intelligence and AI.

What kind of mechanism does the brain use to think? According to the author’s theory, the brain recognizes things as space. It recognizes everything in a coordinate system. This means that even theoretical thinking that does not exist in the actual real world is converted into space. This is probably related to the fact that the brain has developed as the neccesary element of the creature freely moving around in the outside world.

Another surprising hypothesis is that the brain interprets and judges the same event in front of it separately by various cells. Ultimately, these various cells create a reliable recognition by voting. The author calls this the “A thousand brains theory,” which is a convincing theory when considering human illusions.

In Part 2, various problems are discussed by comparing the human brain with AI that has such a mechanism. First of all, current AI operates on a different mechanism than the human brain and will not have intelligence like humans if it continues as it is. However, if AI is created along the lines of the author’s research content, it will become something similar to human intelligence. Will AI that is closer to humans become an existence that harms humans?

The author concludes that he cannot imagine such concerns. The main difference between AI and the human brain is that AI does not have primitive reptilian or mammalian brains. The human brain operates by manipulating these primitive brains with a rational brain. Unlike humans, AI that works only with reason does not have desires or emotions for survival. Therefore, it is concluded that AI will not have any malicious intent towards humanity or try to destroy humanity for its own survival. Even if such a situation arises, humans are the ones who operate the control system. As long as humans do not use AI with malicious intent, AI itself will not harm humans.

He also denies excessive expectations for AI. No matter how far the fusion of AI and human beings or the copying of human consciousness to AI progresses, it does not exceed the biological limits of human beings. Humans have only become able to use new machines, and their biological destiny has not changed significantly. In the third part, we discuss how to convey information about the current civilization of humanity to other extraterrestrial life forms after the extinction of humanity. It becomes a discussion that demonstrates the range of time and space of the author’s idea is incredibly large.

This book will be a good guide for us who live in the dawn of AI.

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