七段位昇段祝賀会報告 The Report of the Celebration Event for 7th Dan Grade Promotion
Celebration event for my 7th Dan grade promotion was held on March 9th.
First part was special practice on 12:30-13:00, second part was special lecture on 15:00-16:00, and third part was party on 16:00-18:00.
First part, special practice was held in Hombu Dojo.
The class was new experiment.
It was done as a practice against some question recruited beforehand.
The question were three, “the basic technique and the connection", “What is flexibility?", and “my opinion about weapon technique".
I expounded my opinion about “the basic technique and the connection" and “What is flexibility?", and did some works for understanding the idea.
Then we practiced normally.
This is Gif file. Click this picture, you can watch animation movie.
In “my opinion about weapon technique" I explained my opinion and practiced Tachidori technique.
This is Gif file. Click this picture, you can watch animation movie.
Finally we did a few techniques in group practice.
This is Gif file. Click this picture, you can watch animation movie.
Second part was held in Japan Education Center as special lecture.
The theme was “Can Aikido product sincerely person? How will we, Aikido practitioner, live in this period?"
This is first time theme for me.
The contents of the theme is hard but it was become easy understanding and interesting one.
Powerpoint document of the lecture
As third part, the party was held in same place.
So many persons, 110 participants joined the event from some organizations I related.
I am very happy to have a good time together.
祝賀会のイベントを企画していただいた主催者代表の尾﨑 晌先生をはじめ、多くの関係者の皆様に感謝を申し上げます。
I appreciate to Mr. Sho Ozaki, a chief organizer and many persons concerned to be held this celebration event.
セミナー等の依頼はこちら。 About request of seminar is here.
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