The Independent Practice 2.0 Video Series
The Independent Practice 2.0
I quest the value and possibility of the independent practice. “10 videos in total"
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.1 : 「単独稽古2.0」とは何か?
What is “the Independent Practice 2.0"?
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.2 : 「単独稽古2.0」の利点
The Advantage of “the Independent Practice 2.0"
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.3 : 合気道の構造とは何か?
What is the structure of Aikido?
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.4 : 合気道の4層構造と単独稽古
The 4 Layer Structure of Aikido and the Independent Practice
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.5 : 共通する4層構造
Commonality of 4 Layer Structure
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.6 : 単独稽古と相対稽古の違い
Difference the Independent Practice and the Relative Practice
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.7 : 上達に最も必要な二つのこと
Most important two factors for progress
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.8:あなたに起こる変化とは
What is the change you will occur?
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.9 : 単独稽古の可能性
Possibility of the Independent Practice
The Independent Practice 2.0 No.10 Final
単独稽古2.0から普遍的武道主義へ : 武道の未来の姿を探る。
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