『国体論 菊と星条旗』を読んで The Impression of “National Polity Theory: The Chrysanthemum and the Stars and Stripes”

国体論 菊と星条旗 白井 聡 集英社新書

National Polity Theory: The Chrysanthemum and the Stars and Stripes Satoru Shirai


国体論 菊と星条旗 (集英社新書) [ 白井 聡 ]

価格:1,034円(税込、送料無料) (2024/10/15時点)






This book aims to shed light on Japan’s current ruling system. In 1945, Japan was defeated in World War II, leading to significant changes in the nation’s structure. The prevailing view is that Japan shifted from being an emperor-centered state to one where the people hold sovereignty. However, the author strongly disagrees with this mainstream view. He argues that, in reality, postwar Japan operates under a system primarily controlled by the United States.

According to the author’s theory, Japan’s modern era began with the Meiji Restoration in 1868. The period up until the end of World War II in 1945 is defined as the early modern period, while the time after 1945 is considered the late modern period. It’s clear that Japan’s state system in the early modern period was centered around the emperor. However, the author argues that in the late modern period, the United States replaced the emperor as the central force in Japan’s national system. On the surface, Japan appears to be an independent nation, having signed the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty with the United States. But in reality, Japan is not only a subordinate state of the U.S., but has actively sought to remain the kind of nation the U.S. desires. This, the author asserts, is the true nature of Japan’s national structure after World War II.

This new national structure of Japan retains its traditional political framework. Throughout Japan’s long history, the periods during which the emperor held actual political power were brief. In times when powerful aristocrats or samurai were the true political leaders, the emperor could only function as a figure of authority. Japan’s traditional political structure has long required a narrative in which the real power holders revere the emperor, while the emperor reigns solely as a symbolic authority. The current U.S. control over Japan follows a similar pattern. While the U.S. governs Japan as part of its cold and calculated global strategy, Japan, on the other hand, tries to create a narrative of genuine friendship between the two nations. This beautiful story of former enemies from World War II becoming bound by mutual respect and deep friendship is, however, nothing more than Japan’s one-sided fantasy.

Astonishingly, Japan’s early and late modern periods exhibit a strikingly similar pattern across three stages: the formation, development, and collapse of its national structure. When viewed through the lens of the national structure, Japan seems to be repeating the same cycle. The author re-examines Japan’s history from this perspective, focusing on these three transitional phases in both the early and late modern periods. It becomes clear that Japan’s national structure is deeply intertwined with its unique cultural landscape. As the author points out, miniature versions of the imperial system, which mimic the original, can be found throughout Japanese society. Historically and geographically, the imperial system pervades Japanese society. This situation surrounding the national structure can even be considered the inevitable fate of Japanese society.

The author’s prescription for addressing this political situation is unclear. He only suggest the abstract idea of strengthening democracy. It seems likely that the author is aware that there are few, if any, short-term solutions to the problem. From a liberal standpoint, he may have felt compelled to make this argument. Japan has yet to become a truly democratic society, and most of its citizens do not even desire it. Rather than thinking independently, the people seem to prefer being governed by someone else. However, to avoid exposing this almost slave-like tendency, they continue to buy into the fictional narrative that they are being protected by a benevolent state. This mirrors the same structure where Japan continues to believe in its friendship with the United States, even while being exploited by it. Japan’s ruling class no longer considers the interests of the people as a whole, and the U.S. does not care about Japan’s interests either. But if the people were to acknowledge this reality, they would have to confront the fact that their current way of life is ethically unacceptable and search for an alternative way of living. In avoiding this realization, both the Japanese state and its people choose not to face reality. The first step must be to acknowledge the truth: “Japan is a vassal state of the United States," and “Japan’s ruling class are parasites draining the nation’s wealth."

セミナー等の依頼はこちら。 About request for the seminar is here.

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