『新しい封建性がやってくる』を読んで The Impression of “The Coming of NEO-Feudalism”

新しい封建制がやってくる ジュエル・コトキン 東洋経済新報社

The Coming of NEO-Feudalism Juel Kotkin



価格:4,593円(税込、送料無料) (2024/8/4時点)






ソーシャル・ジャスティス教 政治的に社会正義を実現することが正義であると主張する考え。

グリーン教 地球温暖化や自然環境を守ろうとする主張。

トランスヒューマニズム 人間をテクノロジーによって超人化することで人類の問題を解決しようとする主張。超富裕層に支持者が多い。



The author, Joel Kotkin, is an expert in urban studies in the United States. For many people living in the modern era, including myself, the city is a symbol of freedom. Just as the saying “The city sets people free" suggests, cities have been places where people gathered in search of freedom and prosperity, escaping the oppressive old world. Cities allowed us to dream of a bright future. However, the author shakes off this past image and presents a serious view of the present and future. Cities have now become places that fix social hierarchies and rigidify society.

The author argues that we are currently moving towards a new feudalism. This new feudalism is a society where stratification advances and becomes fixed, and movement between social classes ceases. A small upper class monopolizes wealth, the middle class falls into the lower class, and the lower class remains stuck there. The author calls this highly structured, extremely immobile society the new feudalism. Probably, this trend towards the future cannot be stopped. As I read this book, I feel that this structure is inevitable.

In the forthcoming feudal society, who will become the oligarchic rulers, akin to the nobles of the past? They will be the tech oligarchs. In today’s society, the value of information is rapidly increasing. GAFAM refers to the major high-tech companies: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft. GAFAM’s market capitalization accounts for over 20% of the U.S. stock index S&P 500, and most of the growth in the past decade has been driven by these companies. Advanced technologies such as AI and blockchain will continue to be led by these high-tech firms. The executives of these high-tech companies are the Tech Oligarchs. Many people, either willingly or unknowingly, hand over their personal information to these high-tech companies, allowing their consumption and decisions to be controlled. This, in turn, leads to profits for these companies. It is easy to imagine that the influence of these already highly profitable high-tech companies will continue to expand. They are the new noble class.

In the feudal era, there was a class that, along with the nobility, oppressed the masses. This was the clergy. Using Christianity as a foundation to preach how people should live, the clergy had the power to cement the serf status in society. In the next feudal era, the new legitimizing class will be the intellectuals. University professors, scientists, senior bureaucrats in government and corporations, professionals, doctors, and lawyers will use their specialized knowledge to persuade the masses of the righteousness of this rigid society. Most of the masses will be unable to resist this expertise and will come to accept their reality. The intellectual class will serve as the guardians of the new feudal system.

This is the new feudal society envisioned by the author. Such a society is already steadily taking shape. The middle class is falling into the lower class, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the impoverished to move up to higher classes. The lower class is confined to low-wage labor, with their status being inherited across generations. Some may even become unable to produce the next generation. The system remains sustainable as long as the labor shortage is addressed through global immigration. Developed countries, where economic growth is stagnating, are steadily moving towards a bifurcated society of a small wealthy elite and a large lower class. Political leftists, who should traditionally support workers, do not truly support the middle class. They view the realities of capitalism through the lens of securing corporate profits, seemingly accepting the fate of a divided society. In medieval European feudal society, Christianity maintained the system. In the new feudalism, the author argues that the leftist political forces will advocate a new religion to take its place.

The Religion of Social Justice
The belief that achieving social justice politically is the ultimate form of righteousness.

The Religion of Green
Advocates for protecting the planet from global warming and preserving the natural environment.

The belief that solving humanity’s problems through enhancing humans with technology is the way forward, a view that is particularly popular among the ultra-wealthy.

These ideologies do not aim to protect the middle or lower classes. This is because the elite believe that these classes are not treated poorly due to their social status, but because of their perceived lack of ability. The middle class is likely to agree with this view. However, the opportunity to acquire the necessary abilities is becoming increasingly expensive, causing the middle class to slip downwards. The chance to gain the skills needed to become wealthy is increasingly limited to the wealthy themselves. The oligarchic elite, as long as their wealth is not threatened, tend to support progressive policies, such as “degrowth" goals and green capitalism, which sound appealing. They might also support basic income to placate discontent among the lower classes, but they will ensure their own wealth remains secure. Policies that genuinely aim to save the middle class will not gain their support.

The author’s groundbreaking work reveals that the current economic plight of many resembles the situation of the Third Estate in France’s Ancien Régime. However, this new Ancien Régime has only just begun, and no solutions currently exist. Since the new feudal society is a global issue, attempts to impose restrictions in one part of the world will be rendered ineffective as the oligarchic elite survive and nullify these constraints elsewhere. Just as communism called for “Workers of the world, unite," a new call for “Third Estate of the world, unite" is necessary. But that time is still far off.

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